Around this time, I usually try to take advantage of some of the holiday deals going around. One of those deals included the sale over at (no I’m not sponsored by them or is this an ad for them). The above picture (except the board game) shows what all I bought. They had a section (heck, it might still be there I don’t know) that included items 30%-50% off, and there was free shipping with orders over $75. Shown above is:

Solar Orbit Necklace


I bought this for the girlfriend. It starts with the sun on the far left and ends with Pluto on the right. It even includes the Asteroid Belt!


Star Wars LED Light Set


I chose to set up the Death Star first, but it also came with a Millenium Falcon set. Shown here in green, other colors include blue, red, yellow, purple, teal, and some others I think. Runs on battery or USB!


Star Wars Droids Magnets Set


I immediately stuck these on the refrigerator. Came with R2-D2 and BB-8. Sometimes, I think I hear there beeps and boops.


Death Star Measuring Cup Set


That’s no moon…it’s just 1 cup of sugar! But seriously, 5 measuring units?? Living the high life.


Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Cooperative Deck Building Game

I actually bought this through Amazon Prime, no Thinkgeek. Does Thinkgeek sell board games? I’ve seen a few gameplay videos, but I haven’t had the chance to go through it yet. Boo. I am set to play it tonight, though, while enjoying beer and pizza!

Happy holidays everyone. Stay cheery. Stay nerdy.

-E.B. Alexander